living is not a thing to be afraid of, live yourself to be 100 person at once. as long as you're aware what kindof person you are, as long as you acknowledge what kindof people surrounds you, you'll be fine.


one comic that held a close place in my heart is 집이 없어, the depiction of mundane comedy amongst tragedy is beautiful!


made the blogland a complete seperate site now, its much better now. theres some things i liked from the old blogland, but this feels less cluttered.

i should make a myanimelist account soon, just to checklist and finally watch/read some animes/mangas ive been putting off. its hard to say i have any interests lately, ive been walking with no direction... well.OK. let me sort my thoughts and goal for next month 1. watch some shows 2. desaturate my colored works 3. draw a comic. the rest are embarassing to tell. maybe make some honest work? despite drawing these "HERBI" characyers for two?years now i havent been honest with anything ive drawn. cz im afraid=_=cz theyre somewhat me. and if theyre me, my art is me, and if my art is me, people will know me, perceive me! thats embarassing.


i baked a couple days earlier. it came out well, it tasted well too, way better than my previous attempt shown in the picture, or the log before.


i want to try experimenting with my works more, but havet gotten the time. satisfaction is not a thing i can reach nor anyone can fully-fully reach.. drawing is just second nature to me i never thought abt it too deply. well i do but, drawing is a form of communication to me atleast, rather than this concept of love and intimacy to the soul, its just as second nature to talking and communicating, however imnot a good communicator. its impulse driven sickness where i say what i want except when i say 'i say' its not saying its drawing. recently im having more self restraints and its making my "communication" worse persay. im not as impulsive, nor repulsive when it comes to drawing or talking. i wish i were, but SICKNESS is never eternal. it has hills..for now i will rest uninspired and plagued by ideas of birds. this time, i'm unable to depict this feeling into a picture

the using of the words "vision", "miracle", and "nonsense" in the HERBI-COMIC section is influenced by a PinocchioP song. linguistics used here are influenced by everything sweet. everyone impacts everyone, ten people would die to be like you, ten people would rather die than to be like you, the world is made out of pancakes


cookies made for valentines, suppose it's the memories that matters?


my head is both fucked, and unfucked. who cares i have things to do?!

often times i'm convinced i live a different life in the realms of my dreams. all of the dreams i had for the past few months are mundane, but memorable. i had a particular dream today that after i hung out at the mall, i watched a visual doccumentary video about the recent generations worsening attention span, the video was well-thought-out and edited carefully with good studies linked, but when i woke up, no video shows up exactly as how i remembered it in the dream. it's not an exciting dream, most of my dreams aren't, however it's something that goes along my realistic stream of activities

greatly wiped the older logs, lalalalala~lately PinocchioP has carved a place in the mind again. his works has been with me throughut my worst and my brightest.